I Prefer the Darkness More Than the Light

I often find it frustrating that I am never as resolute about my new year’s resolutions as I would like to be. Here is a poem I wrote about that. About the human condition. And about a divine love that knows no bounds.
So, dear friends, lets have another go at life in this new year. Let’s try. Let’s even try hard.
But when our trying doesn’t work out as we had hoped, let’s turn to that divine Love. Let’s find solace, hope and strength to continue again …bringing light into a world of darkness.
Know this, dear friend: You are enough. You are loved. Just the way you are …Even if you prefer the darkness more than the light. It’s a God thing. Believe me. I know.
Happy New Year!


I put on sunglasses when it gets too bright
some things are better kept out of sight
I close my eyes and hold on tight
‘cos I prefer the darkness more than the light
like you, I was born with an iconic face
that lost its glory in the chase
taking wrong turns all over the place
refusing to accept Love’s embrace
pull the wool over my eyes
let the blind lead the blind
convince myself they’re wrong, I’m right
But I’m not the first pharisee to be blinded by delight
Then Light, “broken for you”, reveals all the colour
a spectrum of perspectives that perceives the other
and brings me to my knees, humbly to discover
I’ll never be good enough. God is a Lover.
its a new dawn, a new day, a new start, a new chance
to live and laugh and sing and dance
to open my eyes and C the unseen
accept the greatest Love the world has ever seen
and on that final day, when my heart beats its last
and the light of this world I no longer can see
I’ll realise I’ve actually never seen the light.
but rather, it is Light that enables me to see
and I won’t need sunglasses when it gets too bright
and all things are never kept out of sight
I’ll open my eyes and hold on tight
‘cos I know the darkness has not overcome the Light.
Barry Sloan, 1st January 2024, Chemnitz
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